
How To Get More Lives On Royal Match

In recent times Turkey has been making a name for itself as a hub for mobile gaming startups, especially those targeting the puzzle niche. One of the virtually promising developers in the state is considered to be Dream Games, which recently released its very first mobile game entitled Royal Match. The newcomer is bachelor globally for both Android and iOS platforms.

Since the team at Dream Games previously worked on Toon Blast at Peak Games, before the company was acquired by Zynga in the summer of 2020, the two releases share a lot of common elements which are especially evident in the principal card areas.

Obviously, Royal Match is based on an entirely different story where you lot are invited to assist Kind Robert restore his royal castle to its one-time glory. To rebuild the stronghold, players require stars and these get unlocked gradually as rewards for solving a series of match-3 levels.

Unlike Toon Nail which is a tap-to-blast kind of puzzle game, Royal Match bests of the classical recipe instead and offers fans a direct-frontwards match 3 experience. If you played games like this before, then y'all already know everything you need to know to kickoff playing.

royal match castle

Just just in example y'all're new to this game genre we'll cover the basics quickly then that you can get an thought of what to look. Your main task during levels is to create matches of 3 or more tiles of the same colour. All Royal Friction match levels feature a express number of moves and players should solve the puzzle before running out of them. The remaining moves are displayed on the correct side of the screen, above the items that need to be collected.

Speaking of which, each level comes with an objective. At first, your goal is to just collect a number of tiles of a sure color (carmine, blueish, light-green). As you advance to the upper stages, though, things slowly get more complicated as additional 'special' elements are added to the board. These are extremely varied, and so you'll demand to utilise different methods to be able to become them off the board as chop-chop as possible.

The amend you become at solving puzzles, the faster you'll unlock new areas around the castle and give them a royal makeover. Majestic Match seems like a walk in the park at offset, but the game will eventually crave a lot of skill and concentration on your part.

If yous've recently picked upwardly the game, and already establish yourself stuck on a phase, don't stress, we're here to give you a helping hand. We've created a comprehensive Royal Match beginner's guide which includes a number of useful tips, tricks and strategies that will provide back up in your quest of becoming a true puzzle principal. By using the following instructions, yous should be able to overcome the challenges and serve your king efficiently.

1. Pick Your Moves Wisely

Royal Lucifer might be a casual game, but it requires a lot of focus. To this end, it'due south never a good idea to brand random matches on the lath, equally matching just for the sake of matching won't get you too far in a lucifer 3 game similar this one.

Instead advisedly consider your next movement every time, and make sure you lot're matching purposefully with the intent of taking steps towards completing the level objective. Avoid wasting precious moves by paying real close attention to what'south happening on the lath.

Cheque the level objective and get acquainted with your target. For instance, you lot could be tasked with collecting a number of elements of a particular type, and then prioritize getting to them from the very start. Some might appear to be blocked past other pieces, so make sure y'all try and clear away the obstacles as soon every bit possible.

royal match moves

Tin can't spot any matches? Luckily all you have to do is look a few seconds and the game will suggest a friction match for y'all. Note that you're under no obligation to follow these recommendations. If you believe the match does non serve your purposes, you're gratuitous to ignore it and discover a better one on your ain.

Suggestions like these tin be quite helpful when yous're trying to locate larger matches on the board. A lot of times, the game volition show you lot where the 3+ tile combos are at, and that's quite helpful. Nosotros'll talk more about Boosters in a later department, but for now just go on in mind that constantly seeking out larger matches is always the best policy when you lot're playing a game similar Royal Match. Sure, 3-tile matches are still OK, only y'all'll end upwardly using a lot more moves if yous limit yourself to them.

In conclusion the gist is this – don't rush to exercise anything on the puzzle lath. Accept your fourth dimension to consider all your options, afterward all the levels are non timed so you can ponder your adjacent move in peace. Whether you lot're hunting for large matches, or you just looking to make a calculated match, slow down and yous'll get amend results.

two. Replay Levels Oftentimes

Another piece of advice is not to give upward so easily. Be perseverant in your attempts of solving a puzzle. If yous can't beat a challenge from the first go, don't get discouraged. Try different approaches as much as you can. For case, when replaying a level, first matching on a different side of the board this fourth dimension around, or perhaps target a different type of special elements with priority. Don't limit yourself to using only one type of game plan.

royal match replaying levels

Fortunately, the nature of match 3 games encourages you to do only that. Each fourth dimension yous replay a level, the initial tile loadout will exist dissimilar, simply it depends on chance whether the layout is accommodating to your objective or whether it won't practise you whatsoever favors. Unfortunately, in Royal Match you tin't exit the game in one case you viewed the initial board, unless you're fine with losing a life. So you should give your best shot every time you fire upwards a new level. If the effect is failure, perhaps you'll have better luck next time.

Some other fashion to put things in a unlike perspective is to accept a intermission from the game. A timeout might clear your mind and brand you approach the puzzle in a fresh new way upon your return. So if yous're having a hard fourth dimension with a particular puzzle, we recommend that take a step dorsum. It might just the fix you need.

iii. When In Uncertainty – Lucifer At The Bottom

Matching at the bottom of the board is always a good idea when you're playing a friction match iii game. This strategy makes it possible to create a cascading effect past allowing new tiles to come in through the acme and might end up creating some boosted matches accidentally.

royal match strategies

The best part about matching at the bottom is that you tin become admission to additional Boosters without much try. While this strategy is highly effective, you won't be able to utilise it constantly. Some tile arrangements brand information technology difficult to admission the lower part of the board, so in cases like these, the all-time course of activity would be to focus on removing any obstacles first, earlier going ahead with matching at the bottom.

At present the rule-of-thumb is this – whenever you feel like yous could benefit from a tile-refresh or a few more than Boosters, concentrate your efforts on the lower side of the display. If in that location's no free space down there, be sure to create some and fast.

iv. In-Level Boosters Are Groovy In Combination

Like any match three game, Royal Match gives you ample admission to all sorts of Boosters. The more mutual ones are those y'all tin make yourself on the board by locating larger matches. In this game at that place are four of these you should watch out for:

royal match boosters

Rockets: make i by matching 4 same colored items in a line. Once activated, Rockets can clear an entire cavalcade or row of tiles, depending on their direction.

TNT: make a 50 or T-shaped match to create i of these explosive barrels. TNT volition clear all tiles in a 3×3 radius.

Propeller: lucifer 4 items in a foursquare formation to create one. Once activated, the Propeller destroys elements in its vicinity in a "+" pattern and then takes off. It and then lands in a different part of the board and inflicts one last act of damage past blowing upward a tile that tin can be counted towards the level objective.

Calorie-free Ball: friction match 5 items in a line to brand ane. The Light Brawl targets all tiles of a certain colour on the board. Once activated, the ability-upward destroys them all.

While these Boosters are quite constructive on their own, when combined their effect increases considerably. For example, if you alloy together two TNT barrels this will provoke a devastating explosion that will wipe out a proficient portion of the board.

Another interesting combination is the Calorie-free Brawl with whatsoever other Booster you have at your disposal. In this scheme, the Rocket/TNT/Propeller go on to supplant all tiles of a certain colour thus causing multiple blasts on the board. A double Light Ball combination is likewise a boon, then if y'all ever stumble upon one don't hesitate to make the match.

Booster combinations help you lot finish off puzzles a whole lot faster, while leaving enough of leftover moves to spare. This is note-worthy, because at the cease of each puzzle, the game converts the remaining moves into Boosters and explodes them all over the board for extra coins. Speaking of gilt, yous can collect more via the bonus levels that pop upwards at present and again.

5. For Really Difficult Levels, Activate All Pre-Level Boosters

Sometimes good ol' regular Boosters but aren't enough. And then when times become crude, you lot might want to bring in some extra reinforcements.

If this describes your electric current situation, and then you should probably consider this strategy. Next fourth dimension you head into what y'all know is an exasperating level, enter the game with all pre-level Boosters enabled. These are a split up blazon of power-up, which require activation before a level stars. Doing so allows you to start a level with a few Boosters already placed on the board waiting for y'all.

royal match pre-level boosters

Pre-level Boosters don't differ much from their in-level counterparts, as the options include Rocket, TNT and Light Brawl. The stardom consists in the fact that the sometime are pre-made. You don't have to worry near actively seeking out larger matches to create them. Instead the Boosters will simply be waiting for you on the board. Easy peasy. Earlier you try that, notwithstanding, make sure you've wearied all other avenues of settling the affair yourself.

Our recommendation is to save upwardly these pre-level Boosters for those actually hard levels which yous've tried again and again to solve, just to no avail. Information technology'southward easy to fall into a routine where y'all're constantly relying on these power-ups to complete challenges, but this is not a practiced strategy for the long term. Once you've run out of Boosters, you'll be left to your own devices once again, unless you agree to pay gold coins in substitution for a new batch.

The trouble with this scenario is that collecting gold is a ho-hum affair in Imperial Match. Just occasionally will you be able to take hold of a total 100 coins from completing a puzzle, and Boosters commonly require a lot more than than that. For case, a package of 3x Rockets volition take y'all back with 900 coins.

royal match booster bundle

Then how tin you lot go your hands on free pre-level Boosters you might be wondering at this indicate, correct? Well, y'all can win Booster bundles one time yous're done with furnishing and decorating a room in the castle. Merely since this can take quite some time to complete, you lot won't take admission to a constant influx of free in-level Boosters. So to avoid spending unnecessary gold, hold on to these Boosters and utilize them but during special occasions. Simply don't make a habit of using them constantly.

vi. Use The Extra Power-Ups To End Upward A Level

In Majestic Match players become access to an additional type of power-ups. These tools are available in a menu located in the bottom of the screen and come up in four flavors:

royal match arrow power-up

Regal Hammer: clears any object on the board;

Pointer: clears all the objects in a row;

Cannon: clears all the object in a cavalcade;

Jester hat: shuffles all the object on the lath.

Tools can come in handy whenever yous're quite close to solving a puzzle, but you could use but a few more than moves to practise so. Don't desire to spend 900 coins on 5 additional ones? You could try using ane of these ability-ups instead, as they don't waste material whatsoever moves and are quite effective. Like with the other types of Boosters, the key is to use them in moderation so that yous don't run out of them as well fast.

Players tin become more of these tools by making progress in the game and unlocking chests filled with goodies.

7. Exist Super Careful Not To Tap The 'Play On' Push Accidently

As we've already noted in the previous department, accumulating gold coins in Imperial Match is a deadening-tedious thing and y'all'll have to go through multiple stages to get a decent corporeality.

Then the worse you could do is spend cash inadvertently. Every time you fail a level a small window asking you whether you'd like to continue the game in exchange for 900 coins will popular up. Be extra careful and avert borer on the green push in your haste to take some other go at the pesky puzzle. Instead, take a deep breath and use the "x" to close the window and re-kickoff the level.

royal match play on button

Of course, if you feel similar you've reached your limit and that you really need assist, you can go ahead and employ your difficult won gold in exchange for 5 more moves. Just make absolutely sure that those 5 moves are all information technology takes to hit the level objective. Or else you lot'll be spending your money in vain, and you don't want that.

Using coins to get boosted moves is the recommended way to use this currency. When it comes to Boosters, you should rely on the progress rewards as well as Special events to get access to more than of them.

eight. Join An Active Order

In Royal Match yous have a total of five lives at the commencement of each day. Fail to complete a puzzle and y'all will have to relinquish one of them, and and then on, until y'all're left with none at all.

royal match club

If that happens, players will be prompted to take a intermission from the game and wait until more lives get regenerated. Fortunately, if y'all join a guild y'all can make certain that doesn't happen all that often.

At the bottom of the screen find and tap on the Squad section. Browse until y'all find a group that has a larger number of members. Printing the Join button and then get ahead and inspect your new group. Brand sure there's enough going on in the chat room to betoken that the vast majority of users in this team are agile. If there seems to exist nothing going on, go out the grouping and look for another one until yous discover what you're looking for.

royal match free lives

It's important to join an agile Team because you'll depend on others existence around to answer your call for aid when you need more lives. To avoid having to expect for a repsonse, it'south a adept idea to just start sending out requests in your group earlier you run out of lives, thus making sure you ever have some to spare.

nine. Exist Agile During Events To Get Through Levels Quickly

Events happen all the time in Royal Match and when they do players get access to different sorts of goodies – mostly extra Boosters, and Unlimited lives.

For example, during Butler's Souvenir users are challenged to shell levels on their first attempt to get-go the side by side puzzle with power-ups already on the board. Pretty neat, right? All you take to do is play the game like you normally would.

royal match butler's gift

Whenever you lot've spotted an Outcome that is rich in Booster rewards make information technology a bespeak to exploit it as much as possible until it expires. It's a practiced idea to be more active during that period, and then as to take advantage of the abundance of Boosters & free lives and cease off as many puzzles equally possible.

On top of Events, you also go Cups. You get automatically enrolled in them for a chance to win prizes at the end of each session. Focus on winning levels so you can secure cups and complete with other players for more rewards. Cups commonly stretch out over a number of days, and so the prizes are not instantaneous. You shouldn't worry about information technology, anyway, only enjoy the game and let the rewards menstruation in at their own stride.

10. How To Approach The Various Special Elements

"Special" elements are an integral part of whatsoever lucifer 3 game. In Royal Match you lot'll take to deal with enough of them, and naturally each comes with its ain unique backdrop.

Most of them do share one large affair in common, though. They are all impacted past the act of matching next to them. So whenever yous come across a special chemical element on the board, you can take information technology removed (or at least part of it) by matching in its vicinity.

royal match eggs

Some elements (like Vases or double-sealed Crates) need two matches to disappear completely from the board, while for others (recollect Eggs or Grass) it only takes a single one. Additional elements like the Closet contain a large number of plates within and and so they require fifty-fifty a larger number of matches to be destroyed.

The same goes for the Boxes of Potion which include four dissimilar bottles each with a differently-colored liquid inside. These are colour-coded elements, so to remove a cerise potion bottle, you'll demand to create a match of red tiles adjacent to it. In total, it takes iv different matches to completely get rid of it.

royal match potion

Another type of element you'll encounter while playing Royal Friction match is the Mailbox. When players match next to them, Mailboxes produce Mail – which represents the particular included in the level objective. Mailboxes are oft blocked by other elements on the board, so y'all'll need to make sure you remove these obstacles as soon as possible. Don't put off this task for later, as y'all might take a chance running out of moves. You need to get to these elements as shortly as possible and start pumping them for Mail, if you wish to exist successful in beating the level.

Booster-employ on these pieces is highly recommended. If you've made some, and then go ahead and detonate them in order to remove a heftier number of tiles in one go. Don't forget to create Booster combos, so you can relish the destructive effects that consequence from combining power-ups.

royal match mailbox

You lot'll encounter many special elements in Imperial Match, merely the key to being successful while dealing with whatsoever special pieces is remembering a few bones rules.

First of all, whenever you find yourself face up to face with special elements, you should become ahead and lucifer in their vicinity, regardless of their shape and size. Sure, you should pay attention to their individual characteristics, but matching will always have a destructive result on them, no matter what. The well-nigh complex levels include unlike types of these special pieces, then yous'll have to split your attention between them, while making sure y'all don't run out of those precious moves.

Also don't forget that the more Boosters yous have the better. Although you lot have to be careful and use them the correct way. For example, don't waste matter Rockets on rows or columns where there are no special elements yous need to get rid of. Try and aim them at a portion of the board that's actually occupied by pieces that are function of the level objective. In add-on, if yous could combine the Rocket with a more than powerful power-upwardly like the TNT butt, for example, so as to greatly increase the consequence of the former. The explosion will remove a total of three rows and columns of tiles in one go.

With this terminal slice of communication on our listing, we conclude our Royal Match beginner's guide. We hope the data within has proved useful and allowed you to develop your puzzle-solving skills even further. Needless to say, if yous know of any other worthwhile strategies we haven't included in this guide, yous're invited to share your thoughts with united states of america in the comment section beneath!


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