
Thomas Jefferson's Vision For America


The Us became an independent country on July 4, 1776. This means the country turned 243 years old in 2019.

The Usa of America formed after the colonies decided to defection against the British. The colonies would class a new nation. They made information technology official by signing the Announcement of Independence.

The Colonies

The U.s.a. was once 13 colonies: Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Northward Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Isle, South Carolina and Virginia.

The Boston Massacre

Many people do not realize how important the Boston Massacre was in the founding of the United states. Colonists had negative feelings about the British when the country was occupied past soldiers. Then, U.k. began to overtax colonists. They grew angry.

On March 5, 1770, Colonists attacked British soldiers on Boston'due south King Street with sticks, rocks and snowballs. Soon, the street became an all-out brawl as soldiers began firing shots at the crowd. The soldiers killed and wounded many colonists. Colonists grew angrier.

The Boston Massacre increased tension. The issues were growing, and Colonists were condign tired of British rule.

The Boston Tea Party

The Boston Tea Political party also added to ongoing tensions. The British Empire would tax the colonies to pay off its own debts. Colonists noticed the taxes increment. Tea had an especially loftier taxation.

On December sixteen, 1773, colonists were angry they were existence taxed without being represented in Parliament. In protestation, colonists dumped 342 cases of tea into the Boston Harbor. They began to smuggle Dutch tea into the colonies instead.

The Revolutionary War

The Revolutionary War was the upshot of ongoing tension between Colonists and the British. The Revolutionary War started in 1775. While British soldiers in Yorktown, Virginia, surrendered in 1781, parts of the state remained occupied for two more years.

The Declaration of Independence

In 1776, delegates from the thirteen colonies met in Philadelphia. The grouping chose Thomas Jefferson to write the Declaration of Independence. He wrote the starting time draft in 17 days. He worked alongside Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Robert R. Livingston and Roger Sherman to finish it.

Congress approved the Annunciation of Independence via a vote on July 4, 1776. It was official: the colonies declared they were separate from United kingdom. The Founding Fathers signed the certificate. John Hancock was the first to sign.

Today, the Declaration of Independence is one of the land'south most important documents. In fact, two of the people who signed the annunciation would become presidents. They were Thomas Jefferson and John Adams.

The Constitution

The country adopted the Us Constitution on September 17, 1787. It established new laws. It fabricated a new identity for America. The document served as a follow upward to the Articles of Confederation, which was tossed bated because it limited the power of the federal government.

A Growing Country

Later on Colonists declared independence and the British Empire withdrew its troops, the U.s.a. of America grew. In 1803, the country purchased land from France. The Louisiana Purchase included state that extended from United mexican states to Canada.

Thomas Jefferson's Vision For America,


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